Diagnosing Azure Resource Manager template validation errors

In previous post I have provided intro to Azure Resource templates. While performing deployment of the template you might run into situation where Azure is returning quite a cryptic message similar to one one the screenshot below. From the error you will get few pieces of information: Name of the template: azuredeploy Template has failed validation procedure You can check details with provided tracking Id which is some Guid Details we are looking for can be found in Activity Log of Resource Group to which deployment was done and there are few ways we can get it. Activity Log is a place where actions related to resources are logged (in this case we will be looking for logs on Resource Group level) e.g.: Deletion of resources Deployments Starting and stopping of resources The logs include such information as: Timestamp Principal which initiated event JSON object which describes change in details Break something! To show you sample error like one on the screenshot above we will break som...